Participation of Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke in the conference ‘Die deutsch-französische Afrikapolitik im Zeichen der Zeitenwende’/’Franco-German Africa Policy at the Turning Point’

We are very happy to share with you that Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke was invited to participate in the conference  ‘Die deutsch-französische Afrikapolitik im Zeichen der Zeitenwende‘/‘Franco-German Africa Policy at the Turning Point‘ on December 1 in Berlin. The event was organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, the Institut Français des Relations Internationales and the German Institute…


„Contested Security Arrangements of Mega Infrastructures in Africa”: Forthcoming Presentation by Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke at the BICC International Conference 2022

Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke will speak at the International Conference 2022 of the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC) on Tuesday, November 29. Her presentation will be part of the “Conflict Dynamics in Development Corridors” session within the breakout group on “Interests of International Investors in Mega Infrastructures and Conflict Dynamics”. In her talk…


Public Talk with Prof. Shahar Hameiri – Fractured China: How State Transformation is Shaping China’s Rise

We are happy to announce that Professor Shahar Hameiri will visit the University of Bayreuth to give a public talk on his new co-authored book “Fractured China: How State Transformation is Shaping China’s Rise” (Cambridge University Press, 2021). The talk is hosted by the Infraglob project and takes place in presence 7th November 2022 at…


Jan Sändig is member of the new DFG network on Environmental Peacebuilding

In mid-July 2022 the new DFG-funded network “From Climate Conflicts to Environmental Peacebuilding” gathered for the first time at the TU Braunschweig. Led by PD Dr. Tobias Ide (Murdoch University, Perth), the network brings together scholars that work from multiple angles on environmental and climate conflicts. The goal is to focus on the often-neglected environmental…


Invitation: Talk by Prof. Chih-yu Shih from National Taiwan University at the University of Bayreuth

We are very happy to currently have Prof. Chih-yu Shih from National Taiwan University here at the University of Bayreuth for a week. On Wednesday, 21.09.2022 he will give a talk titled, ‘Constituting Autocratic Governance Through Ideas and Personality: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Mass-line Sensibilities’. Time is 13:30-15:30 and location is room S 6 (Raum-Nr.…


New open access publication online now: The South-South investment that never happended: Vale in Guinea

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “The South-South investment that never happened: Vale in Guinea” by Eric Cezne and Mathias Alencastro in The Extractive Industries and Society.  In this article, the authors approach the (failed) extractive ambitions by the Brazilian mining giant Vale in Guinea. Thus, they provide clues on the…


New paper out now: Liminally Positioned in the South: Reinterpreting Brazilian and Chinese Relations with Africa

We are very happy to share with you the exciting news that the paper “Liminally Positioned in the South: Reinterpreting Brazilian and Chinese with Relations with Africa” by INFRAGLOB team members Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne and Mia Yifan Yang has been published online in Global Society. The paper is open access and can be accessed free…


Upcoming: Talk of Jana Hönke on “Africa’s Multiple Globalities: Chinese Companies and Practices of Securing Economic Infrastructure”

We are happy to share with you that INFRAGLOG researcher Jana Hönke will give a talk on the topic of “Africa’s Multiple Globalities: Chinese Companies and Practices of Securing Economic Infrastructure” at the departmental seminar of the Institute of Political Sciences of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. The talk takes place tomorrow, 29 June. You…
