The First Global South Research Center Forum: Pluriversal International Relations and the Global South at Tongji University

Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke and Dr. Raoul Bunskoek participated in the panel “Global South Internationalism” at the First CGSS Forum, held at Tongji University, Shanghai, on December 14-15, 2024. Organized by the Global South Research Center (CGSS), the forum brought together scholars to discuss diverse perspectives on international relations. Dr. Hönke and Dr. Bunskoek presented…


Movie Screening – Operation Afrika: Die Jagd nach den Rohstoffen der Zukunft

On Sunday, December 8, 2024, at 7:00 PM, the event series “AfriKaleidoskop meets ARTE” will take place at Kulturhaus Neuneinhalb, Gerberplatz 1, Bayreuth. Organized by the Africa Multiple Cluster with support from the Chair for Sociology in Africa at the University of Bayreuth. The program includes a screening of a 52-minute documentary by filmmaker Philipp…


Book Talk: “Africa’s Global Infrastructures” at Shanghai University

After Beijing, join the Infraglob team in Shanghai. On December 13, 2024, at 14:00, Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke and Yifan Mia Yang will present the book “Africa’s Global Infrastructures: South–South Transformations in Practice” at the Institute of Economic Sociology and Multinationals, Shanghai University. The event will focus on key themes from the book, with discussions…


New article on development plans in Rwanda and Ethiopia by Biruk Terrefe and Barnaby Joseph Dye

Biruk Terrefe and Joseph Dye explore how African nations are reshaping development in the face of modern challenges. They focus on two emblematic cases: Rwanda’s vision of a Dubai-style financial and service hub and Ethiopia’s ambitious drive for manufacturing and infrastructure. Read the full article here. The full research which covers Angola, Eritrea, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Rwanda…


Book Launch Seminar – Africa’s Global Infrastructures (Utrecht & online)

Together with Utrecht University, we are inviting everyone to a book launch event: Africa’s Global Infrastructures: South–South Transformations in Practice Edited by Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne & Yifan Yang Published within the African Arguments series (Hurst) – get e-book access here 5 November 2024 | 12:00-14:30 CET | Utrecht & online   During the event,…
