Cobalt as ‘conflict mineral’? On the opportunities and limits of new supply chain laws

This blog post, written by Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke & Lisa Skender was first published by the blog of the Friedens Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz (10.10.2022), the German original version can be accessed here. Below, we share with you an English translation of the original German article. Copyright of the title photo: © Fairphone Finally driving…


Talk by Professor Chih-yu Shih on “Constituting Autocratic Governance Through Ideas and Personality: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Mass-line Sensibilities”

We were very happy to welcome Professor Chih-yu Shih from the Department of Political Science at the National Taiwan University at the University of Bayreuth some weeks ago where he gave a public talk titled “Constituting Autocratic Governance Through Ideas and Personality: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Mass-line Sensibilities”. In the following, we would like to…


New open access publication online now: The South-South investment that never happended: Vale in Guinea

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “The South-South investment that never happened: Vale in Guinea” by Eric Cezne and Mathias Alencastro in The Extractive Industries and Society.  In this article, the authors approach the (failed) extractive ambitions by the Brazilian mining giant Vale in Guinea. Thus, they provide clues on the…


Publication: ‘Community of Common Destiny’ as Post-Western Regionalism: Rethinking China’s Belt and Road Initiative from a Confucian Perspective

ERC INFRAGLOB team member Raoul Bunskoek and co-author Chih-yu Shih, Professor in Political Science at  National Taiwan University, have recently published the article, ‘‘Community of Common Destiny’ as Post-Western Regionalism: Rethinking China’s Belt and Road Initiative from a Confucian Perspective’ in the journal Uluslararasi Iliskiler – International Relations. The paper is part of the special…


Africa’s South-South relations: Mining and Railway Lines in Mozambique

At the beginning of the 21st century, Africa experienced a fundamental change: while development aid and foreign investment used to come mainly from the West, now economic relations with the emerging countries of the global South, including China and Brazil, became increasingly important. The deepening and expansion of these relations led to a geographical reorientation,…


Forging Transnational Ties from below: Challenging the Brazilian Mining Giant Vale S.A. across the South Atlantic

By Eric Cezne In recent years, Brazil has been affected by a struggling economy and considerable political turmoil (Boito and Saad-Filho, 2016; Garmany and Pereira, 2018). In the meanwhile, Brazilian mining giant Vale S.A. (henceforth Vale) has faced a series of setbacks and negative appraisals in light of the destructive and lethal tailings dam tragedies at iron…
