
We are happy to announce that INFRAGLOB team member Jana Hönke is going to share her work on Frontier Zones of ‘the Global’? China in Africa and the (security) governance of transnational economic hubsin the workshop ‘Production and Value Chains and Security Apparatuses: On the Intersection of Value and Violence in the 21st Century’, held at the University of Bayreuth (24-25 February). Her contribution is part of the podium on ‘Society and Capitalism in Foreign Policy and Critical Security Studies’.

The workshop of the Section for International Relations of the German Political Science Association is organized by Kai Koddenbrock (University of Bayreuth) and Sophia Hoffmann (University of Erfurt). It aims at addressing the gap in International Relations and International Political Economy with regards to the intertwined nature of value production and violence. The workshop brings together novel theoretical approaches aimed at understanding the exercise of violence and economic processes as interdependent.

While the workshop itself is held in German, the keynote lecture by Benno Teschke (University of Sussex) on “‘Capitalist’ World-Ordering Strategies from Early Modern to Modern Times: Why is there no International Politics and Diplomatic History in Critical Historical Sociologies of IR?” is held in English and open to the public via Zoom. More information can be found here.