Upcoming: Talk of Jana Hönke on “Africa’s Multiple Globalities: Chinese Companies and Practices of Securing Economic Infrastructure”

We are happy to share with you that INFRAGLOG researcher Jana Hönke will give a talk on the topic of “Africa’s Multiple Globalities: Chinese Companies and Practices of Securing Economic Infrastructure” at the departmental seminar of the Institute of Political Sciences of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. The talk takes place tomorrow, 29 June. You…


Talk by Dr. Obert Hodzi on 24th February –”African Political Elites and the Making(s) of the China Model in Africa”

African Political Elites and the Making(s) of the China Model in Africa the Talk For the Research Colloquium of the Chair for Sociology of Africa, University of Bayreuth, we will have a special guest, Dr Obert Hodzi, Lecturer of Politics at the University of Liverpool (https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/politics/staff/obert-hodzi/). He will be sharing with us his recently published…
