If you are a postdoc interested in Global Political Sociology (of Africa) and /or Peace and Conflict Studies/ Critical Security Studies and would like to combine working with us at Bayreuth University plus a stay at another research institution abroad of your choice, please get in touch!
At our chair group, we pursue a variety of research perspectives that might be fruitful for collaboration – ranging from practice-theoretical work on South-South relations, Chinese philosophy in Africa, transnational professionals, policing, intervention and state-building, politics of infrastructure, extractive industries, and contentious politics. All can be subsumed under Global Political Sociology.
To receive funding for your stay, we would support your application for a DAAD PRIME scholarship, which was initiated to support the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers by temporary positions at German universities. Different from most conventional scholarships, funding is provided for a postdoc project of 18 months, in which 12 months can be spent abroad (at one or several institutions, and 1 month at the beginning + 6 months (re-integration phase) with us. The deadline for application is August 31th 2021 to come work here beginning of summer 2022.
Find out more about our work here: https://www.african-sociology.uni-bayreuth.de/en/ and here: https://infraglob.eu/.
For expressions of interest, please contact Maria.Ketzmerick@uni-bayreuth.de or jana.hoenke@uni-bayreuth.de.
If you are interested but wondering whether you are eligible – please consult the programme’s FAQ:
Universität Bayreuth